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3 Podcasts to Nurture Your Curiosity


Over the past few years, the popularity of podcasts has increased to the great pleasure of many growers. Some of them listen to it while doing their daily task on the farm and it adds more pleasure to their day.

There are various podcast topics to choose from. Several of them are very interesting and inspiring. In addition, they address various subjects such as market gardening, agricultural politics and local food. The people behind these podcasts all have a common interest: to give a voice to stakeholders involved in market gardening who have a desire to change the world’s food system.

Here are a few podcast recommendations from the Market Gardener Institute team:

1. The Rural Woman Podcast

Katelyn Dubanis is a farmer and entrepreneur who wants to celebrate and amplify the voices of women in agriculture. She is the host of The Rural Woman Podcast.

Through this podcast, you will hear interviews with different women that have a passion for agriculture and rural life. They also all bring a unique perspective to the table because of their diversified stories.

The Rural Woman Podcast

2. Farm Small Farm Smart

This podcast is hosted and produced by Diego Footer, author and founder of Paperpot Co. and Modern Grower. Through each episode, the host discusses with a farmer about farming challenges, sales and marketing, soil preparation, weed management, post-harvest processing, technology, farm startup, market selection and work-life balance.

Farm Small Farm Smart podcast

3. Down to Earth: The Planet to Plate

Down to Earth is a podcast about regenerative agriculture produced by Quivira, Mary-Charlotte Domandi of Radio Cafe. Guests gather farmers, ranchers, scientists, land managers, writers, and many others. They cover topics such as climate change, regenerative transition, food system, tradition and innovation.

Down to Earth: The Planet to Plate

Enjoy your listening

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Free Workshop: From Seeds to Sales

March 19 & 20 at 2 pm (EST)

Join a live, hands-on workshop where you’ll learn key strategies to turn your flower season into a financial success.