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The Market Gardener Podcast Ep. 9

Slow Tools Pioneer And Veteran Farmer

with Rob Rock

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About this episode

In this episode, we chat with Rob Rock of Pitchfork Farm in Vermont. Rob has been organic farming since 2002 and has been an innovator in the field of “slow tools” … tools made for human scale, ecological farming.

In this wide ranging conversation, we dive deep into topics such as the role of technology in small-scale farming, community building and the importance of local business, the future of small farms amidst climate change, and how we all need to take part in designing the future we want.

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[2:36] Importance of farmer gatherings and meeting other farmers
[6:36] Designing and creating tools for small farms
[8:34] Farm flooding, climate change, future of ag in Vermont
[22:55] Why do we need small farms?
[30:22] Pitchfork farm, importance of crew relationships, community developing from the farm
[42:12] Farm relationship with chefs and restaurants
[48:31] Importance of “supporting cast” in small farm movement
[55:43] Slow Tools, becoming a tool inventor, future of tech in slow tools, AI
[1:31:01] Where is small-scale farming going as a movement?
[1:35:09] Will the future be “solar punk” ?
[1:41:39] The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka, farming in Japan
[1:48:31] Learn other skills! Take part in designing the future

Mentioned Links & Resources

Rob Rock - Pitchfork Farm



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