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The Market Gardener Podcast Ep. 13

Episode Swap! Real Organic Podcast

with Dave Chapman & JM Fortier

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About this episode

This week we’re sharing with you an episode of ‘The Real Organic Podcast’ in which JM sits down with Dave Chapman to discuss the potential of promoting a replicable, decentralized food and farming system that relies on people building relationships with both land and community, by engaging their powers of observation and connection.

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[4:01] History of Rodale Institute – J.I. Rodale story – Land Grant system
[16:41] Jeff’s past health problems and how it led him to farming
[28:05] Healthcare to farming connection – Doctors conference on a farm
[38:26] Research comparing organic to conventional ag – nutrient density of food
[49:56] “Regenerative Organic” and Rodale’s ROC certification
[55:58] Transitioning from conventional to organic – Rodale’s consultancy program & farmer training
[1:03:05] Cultural shift of people going back to the land – Food has energy and meaning
[1:13:20] Food as medicine – meal at the Old Mill
[1:22:54] Critics of organic farming and how they misuse science
[1:29:32] “The earth is healing us, not the other way around.”
[1:34:09] Jeff’s “ikigai” (reason for getting out of bed in the morning)
[1:37:43] The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
[1:39:34] The miracle that is soil

Mentioned Links & Resources

Real Organic Project



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Your gateway to the vibrant world of organic small-scale farming. JM Fortier and Chris Moran explore the big ideas, challenges, and solutions that shape our food system. Join us and the leading voices in sustainable agriculture as we dive into insightful conversations that empower, educate, and inspire action.

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The Market Gardener

Now translated into 7 languages and the recipient of awards and rave reviews, The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower’s Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming is a must-read for all those interested in small-scale organic agriculture.